Bushfire Preparedness
Do you have a bushfire plan?
- Will you stay or go?
- When will you go?
- Where will you go?
- Do you have a plan for your pets and livestock?
We recommend making a detailed fire plan, to do so you can visit: https://mybushfireplan.wa.gov.au
Additional things to consider for your pets/ livestock:
- Have a pet emergency kit:
o Pet emergency kit checklist:
§ Pet registration/ licence papers
§ Pet medications, medical and vaccination records
§ Veterinarian contact details
§ Food and water bowls
§ Food and water for each pet for up to two weeks period.
§ A familial pet blanket or bedding and toy
§ A secure pet carrier, leash or harness to transport
§ Rubbish bags or disposal bags and kitty litter
§ Include recent photos of your pet for identification
- Is your pet microchipped? Are your microchip details up to date?
- Is your pet registered with your local shire?
- Is your horse float trained?
- Do you have a float or quick access to a float if needed to move your horse in a bushfire emergency?
- Is your horse microchipped?
Livestock/ Farm animals
- Is your farm animal halter/ lead trained?
- Do you have a PIC number?
o A PIC number is a property identification code for owners of livestock. This includes
cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys, deer, alpaca, llama, camel, buffalo, emus and ostriches. It is a legal requirement
o For additional information on PIC numbers visit: DPIRD
- Do you have transport facilities?
- Coordinate relocation of domestic animals and livestock with neighbours, friends or livestock associations as early as possible
- If an emergency warning is current or on days of high risk, consider moving stock into a safe area before leaving your property for any length of time
- In a bushfire, move animals to a closely grazed or ploughed paddock (preferably around the homestead) with drinking water, steel fencing and preferably shade. (Poultry etc can be placed in a temporary pen)
For animals in emergency situations affected by natural disasters contact:
- The Department of Agriculture and Food WA (DAFWA) will assess the health and nutritional requirements of livestock after a natural disaster strikes. For more information visit www.agric.wa.gov.au or call 9368 3333
- RSPCA WA may provide support and relocation for lost and injured animals after natural disasters or more information visit www.rspcawa.asn.au or call 9209 9300
- To report injured wildlife call the Wildcare helpline on 9474 9055 24 hours a day, seven days a week
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